CAR! (Party on, Wayne)
This past week, Douglas and I have toned down our wedding planning. We have essentially done no planning, really. Coming off of the excitement of the weekend before last, we found ourselves taking a serious look at working on our Save the Dates. FBIL#2 showed us some vendors that he's used in the past so we were able to check out our options and see cost. Man oh man does the cost have us re-thinking our S.T.D.s. We really can't justify spending around $500 just for the S.T.D.s. So, on to plans that are labeled B, C, D, etc.
In our discussing different options (Plans B, E, F, etc.) for S.T.D.s and invites, Douglas and I found ourselves arguing over and getting bogged down in details. At this point, we slammed on the brakes and took a time out.
Now, I'll be quite honest, we haven't stopped wedding talk 100%. That's been near impossible. However, stepping away from actual planning has allowed us to get back to thinking about what we really want and has allowed us to get back to kicking around ideas without it being misconstrued as serious suggestions. While it hasn't made all of the wedding-related stresses go away, it's definitely help us get rid of unnecessary ones that we were creating ourselves.
I'm very grateful we have the luxury of taking these time outs. We're over 400 days away from our soft date and I was about to throw in the whole wedding towel. It's funny to think how early we are into the planning stages and I was already questioning whether it was worth all the stress, knowing full well I would regret it later if I didn't do some type of gathering.
That being said, we'll have to get back on the horse at some point. For now, however,
GAME ON! (Party on, Garth)
12 Wow-Factor Wedding Cakes
2 hours ago
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