Thursday, September 23, 2010

Moo Minis are Here!

Today was a good mail day.  The Moo MiniCards showed up!  Here is the typical USPS mail bag:

What was in the bag, you ask?  A box!  Although not a mystery box, still has my curiosity. (It could be a boat!)

After taking off the green sleeve (note how the color of the sleeve matches the label on the mail bag)...

(If this packaging doesn't make your day a little brighter, than you need a little Ben & Jerry's.)  Next, we take the lid off the box.  Here's an aerial view of the box, lid, Yay! card, and box sleeve.  Oh how color coordinated these Moos are!

You  know what's really cool (as if there wasn't enough already)?  The box, itself, acts as a very nice cardholder.

They even provide tabs!  "MINE" and "THEIRS".  Not shown is the little card that is stuck in the back behind all of your MiniCards that says "Psst! Pass it on!"  It introduces itself as a MiniCard and offers 15% off a next purchase.  A gift within a purchase!  Very nice.

Alright, so we made it through all of the packaging (wasn't that a lot of fun?).  Now for the cards!

You can barely make it out on the photos, but there is a flower pattern on that card.  The color is darker than it appeared to me on my screen, so I'm a little sad about that.  However, that is my ONLY complaint.

Here's a view of the front of 1 card and the back of another.  To give you an idea of the size, they're both on the lid of the box they came in.

Overall, I have to say I'm very satisfied with my Moo order.  I'm definitely happier than my last VistaPrint order.  I'd be very curious to see how really customized Moo orders come out.  I simply used a template that worked.

So hooray for Moos!!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Moo MiniCards Follow Up #1

The Moo MiniCards are on their way!  They'll be here by the weekend.

You know what's almost as cute as the cards?  The emails!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Dare to See Me in Pink?

Like you haven't seen that before

Our dear friend, Vanessa (you met her in the Wedding Hair post), is very quickly approaching her wedding day!  As the time nears, we're picking up a few odds and ends.  Last week, I checked in with her about whether she wanted a photo-share site for her guests as she had mentioned something about guest photos earlier on.  After an excited yes, I headed over to to throw a site together.  Since that took next to no time at all to set up, I decided to check out these Moo Cards that have been all over the WeddingBee boards lately.

Lots of brides have shared their photos of using the MiniCards as tags to personalize gifts, invites, etc.  They looked great and I loved the idea that you could personalize each and every card if you wanted to without breaking the bank.  I played around for a bit using one of their wizards and ended up with 5 simple MiniCard designs, worked some magic with the text limitations, and voila!  Vanessa will have MiniCards for her guests to take with them that will give them the information on how to share the photos they take with everyone else.  I can't wait until they get here and see how they turned out.  The Moo MiniCards are a great deal.  100 cards for $20 not matter how the batch is broken down (100 individual designs or 5 designs). 

I will update on how the cards turned out when they arrive.

And, yes, I will be wearing pink to Vanessa's wedding.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Celebrity Tweet Geek Moment

Alright, y'all.  I don't have too many geek-out celebrity moments, but here's one I can't keep to myself.


1. My uncle is an off Broadway actor.

2. He does voice over work for Venture Bros.

3. He does the voice of one of the show's most popular characters - Dr. Orpheus

4. Nathan Fillion just did some voice over work for Venture Bros.

5. Nathan Fillion tweeted about it.

6. To which I responded:

7. To which HE responded:

8. Now Douglas and I are totally geeking out.

9. I have also sent an email along to my uncle to remind him of his celebrity.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Chuppah Poles 1 & 2

As some of you may know or have assumed, we are essentially having a Jewish ceremony (though the rabbi is going to change a few words to make it non-denominational).  Jewish ceremonies are great!  They're meaningful, have lots of traditions involved, and are short!  Just the way we like it!

Douglas and I ended up watching an episode of Four Weddings and one of the brides had a traditional Greek wedding.  The guest brides really enjoyed the fact that the bride and groom kept looking at each other and giggling through out the ceremony.  Douglas and I discussed how we would probably be like that, except break out into all out antics if we had to go through a long ceremony.  I just don't think we could hold it together and be serious for over an hour.  So, luckily, we're looking at a ceremony that will probably end up being between 20-40 mins, with the 40 min end only being dependent on any extras we decide to throw in.

Anyway, one tradition that we knew we were going to use right away was the chuppah.  The chuppah represents the new home that the bride and groom will be creating.  The chuppah is supported by 4 poles.  These poles can be used to carry the chuppah, should you opt to have a mobile one.  As ours will not be mobile, we don't really need pole holders.

Emphasis on the word need.

After deciding to finalize the wedding party (it's officially finally finalized), Douglas expressed to me that there were a few folks that he really wanted to incorporate into the wedding.  In being good and having read the book the rabbi suggested we read, I learned all of these details about the chuppah which helped my little flash bulb go off (I've found that incandescent bulbs don't have quite the same effect).  Let's use chuppah holders!  I, too, had a few folks I wanted to incorporate into the wedding, but I did not like the idea of having a ton of bridesmaids/groomsmen.  Our chuppah holders will have the luxury of not having to worry about carrying the chuppah.  They get to just stand there and be eye candy for the rest of us.  Oh, and represent hospitality in our new home (must remember to include facts amongst jokes). 

We broke up the chuppah poles, 2 for Douglas, 2 for me.  I've asked my two people and they've both said yes!

Since the wedding site hasn't gone live yet and you've all been very patient waiting on the unveiling of the wedding party, I feel I can share the identities of my chuppah pole holders.  Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, my pole dancers...holders!  (I simply can not stop making that joke!)  Everyone say hello to:

Ray Harmon


Ginger McKnight

Ray has graciously decided to take a weekend off from his life-consuming scheme to take over the world to strike a pose for us.  Ginger has also been gracious enough to put aside her alter-ego, Barwench Hasslehoff, and make an appearance as herself.

In all seriousness, these two folks are very special and I am so thrilled to be able to have them play important roles in our wedding.  Thank you, dear friends.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Continuing Internal Debate on Names

Last weekend, Douglas was a groomsman in a friend's wedding (congrats, Glen and Jaime!).  It's very interesting going to weddings when you're planning one yourself. 

One very brief conversation that came from that wedding involved names. 

D: "Would you be a Mrs. Douglas Davidson?"
C: "Uh, no."

That was easy!  I never did understand the whole writing Mrs. HisFirstName HisLastName all over the place in school.  Why wouldn't you be Mrs. YourFirstName HisLastName, at the very least?

So, as I continue along my journey of discovering how I feel about a name change and whether I'll do it, I know what both of us already knew; I will not be taking his first name and last name.

Mrs. Douglas Davidson
Mrs. Crystal Davidson
Mrs. Crystal Rattazzi
Mrs. Crystal Rattazzi Davidson
Mrs. Crystal Davidson Rattazzi
Mrs. Crystal Rattazzi-Davidson
Mrs. Crystal Davidson-Rattazzi
Mrs. Crystal Rattavidson
Mrs. Crystal Davidzzi

Time will tell.  ;-)