Thursday, June 16, 2011

If You're Getting Married, Hold On Cause It's Gonna Get Bumpy

One thing I'm learning being in the world of wedding planning is that the universe doesn't think that getting married is not enough of a drastic life change and will, more often than not, send another upheaval your way just to see if you can handle it.

I thought we'd be one of the lucky ones. Douglas may or may not be starting a full time job that he loves two months before the wedding, giving him enough time to get comfortable and for Kaylee and I to relocate. I'd stay in my job for at least the next year and a half to two years to help us build up a nest egg after the wedding before deciding what to do next, whether it was to be a stay at home mom or what to do career-wise.

However, the universe apparently has other ideas. Some things have come to light recently that mean I need to get my butt in gear and start figuring out what I'm going to do next. We're definitely not doing kids quite yet, so I need to figure out where my next career step will be. I'm not planning on leaving my current job, but I need to get my backup plan in place should I need it. Consider it packing and checking my parachute.

Ah, life upheavals. You just never can really plan for them. I am grateful that I got the information I did when I did, because I have time to prepare - more time than I would have had otherwise. So at least it won't be a drastic and sudden life change should it need to happen.

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