The last time we were "digging the tracks" was back in December. Fittingly, we left off with the "Time Warp". Fast forward to 3 months later, and here we are.
Track 5 was Ain't No Rest for the Wicked by Cage the Elephant. This little ditty came into our lives via the video game Borderlands.
I've only played the game a little but Douglas has beaten it several times and has played all of the DLCs (downloadable content). The humor in this game is what hooked us. Weapons have names and descriptions that reference movies and tv shows. The robots, called Claptraps, scream out in horror as they lie leaking, bust a move across the screen and shout for your attention, or turn evil mastermind and make your mission miserable. (I love the Claptraps and am still waiting for the toy to come out). Did I mention that there is a zombie DLC? Anything with zombies gets a plus in our books.
Track 6 shows more of our violent side (although I'm noticing a trend with evil masterminds or psychopaths in some of these track choices). Stuck in the Middle seems like an innocent enough theme for all of life's rough spots where your significant other is standing by you, until you watch Michael Madsen in Reservoir Dogs.
I became a Tarantino fan with Kill Bill vol 1 and never looked back. Funny that Douglas was the one that took Noel and I to see it in theaters. I own all of the movies that Tarantino directed and Reservoir Dogs gets better each time you watch it. Ever since I first saw the scene with Madsen, I knew I would never hear Stuck in the Middle without thinking of his little dance and the "activity" that followed.
Track 7 is evil. I would love to just leave it at that, but then Douglas would give me a lot of crap for it. This is one of those stories where you need to know another story first. Douglas is more of a Monopoly player and I am more of a Trivial Pursuit player. He's more strategy, I'm barely what could be considered strategic. Being a Trivial Pursuit lover, I own many versions of the board game. Douglas enjoys playing, but doesn't enjoy it when I continually beat him. Then came Pop Culture Trivial Pursuit vol 2 and playing with Ryan.
Ok, more background. I didn't grow up with cable or satellite, so I was not exposed to shows like "Doogie Howser, MD", "Full House", "Family Ties", and "Growing Pains". 1980s and early 1990s tv is my Achilles heal. I point this out to explain how/why they kicked my butt.
Back to the game with Ryan. As we were all playing, I was sitting with zero pie pieces and zero correctly answered questions. Douglas and Ryan, however, were not only answering questions before the asker was done asking, but one in particular, they sang. It was an easy enough question: How many faces has Bon Jovi seen and subsequently rocked? They sang the answer - for the game winning pie piece. Despite my continued failed efforts to win Pop Culture Trivial Pursuit, I still play because one day the answer to a question in the Fad category will be "slap bracelets"!
Track 8 is another movie reference. Hotel California is a great song on its own so it doesn't really need anything extra. And yet...
We all know that "nobody f***s with the Jesus", but accenting his intro with a flamenco version of Hotel California by the Gipsy Kings. Lebowski is one of those movies you either love or hate. I had the luck of watching it with a good friend of mine who really reminds me of Walter. His enjoyment of the movie, while drinking a white russian none the less, automatically gave me a positive association. It is one of a very limited few films I actually don't mind Julianna Moore in (she left a bad taste in my mouth after Hannibal and I've never been able to forgive her - I am also a big Silence of the Lambs fan). While Douglas doesn't have the same appreciation of Lebowski that I do, he's coming around. He's throwing out quotes from time to time and is getting better at catching Lewboski references in other movies/shows.
That's all for now folks. Stay tuned because next weekend is our big wedding planning weekend in Roanoke so we will have a LOT to cover on the blog next week.
Cheesy, Old, And Of Course, NSFW
1 day ago
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