Today was a good mail day. The Moo MiniCards showed up! Here is the typical USPS mail bag:
What was in the bag, you ask? A box! Although not a mystery box, still has my curiosity. (It could be a boat!)
After taking off the green sleeve (note how the color of the sleeve matches the label on the mail bag)...
(If this packaging doesn't make your day a little brighter, than you need a little Ben & Jerry's.) Next, we take the lid off the box. Here's an aerial view of the box, lid, Yay! card, and box sleeve. Oh how color coordinated these Moos are!
You know what's really cool (as if there wasn't enough already)? The box, itself, acts as a very nice cardholder.
They even provide tabs! "MINE" and "THEIRS". Not shown is the little card that is stuck in the back behind all of your MiniCards that says "Psst! Pass it on!" It introduces itself as a MiniCard and offers 15% off a next purchase. A gift within a purchase! Very nice.
Alright, so we made it through all of the packaging (wasn't that a lot of fun?). Now for the cards!
You can barely make it out on the photos, but there is a flower pattern on that card. The color is darker than it appeared to me on my screen, so I'm a little sad about that. However, that is my ONLY complaint.
Here's a view of the front of 1 card and the back of another. To give you an idea of the size, they're both on the lid of the box they came in.
Overall, I have to say I'm very satisfied with my Moo order. I'm definitely happier than my last VistaPrint order. I'd be very curious to see how really customized Moo orders come out. I simply used a template that worked.
So hooray for Moos!!!!
12 Wow-Factor Wedding Cakes
1 hour ago
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