Saturday, January 23, 2010

Time to Get Fit

Douglas and I aren't necessarily looking to run out and get married right away.  We have about 5 weddings, so far, to attend or participate in during 2010.  So we may be looking at a 2011 wedding right off the bat, which gives us some time.  The one thing that we both want to get started on is getting fit.  With Douglas going through grad school and now my working from home, we have become quite the inactive couple.  Douglas enjoys the gym and Louis, brother and roommate, already goes with a regular schedule.  So Douglas is taken care of - gym membership and work out buddy.  I, however, am a different story.  I do not enjoy going to the gym.  Once I'm there, I don't mind it.  The problem is getting there.  There is plenty of room around here to go for a run or jog outside, but I'm not much of a runner.  So I am leaning toward breaking down and getting a Wii Fit Plus.  I am more likely to work out with a device at home.  This lets me get several small workouts in during busy days or better workouts in when time allows.  We have no room in the town-home for a treadmill or any other workout device, so that's a no go.  We already have a Wii, so it's logical to try the Fit Plus.  I'm just not sold on it yet.

I will tell you this much, though.  It's much easier to shop around for Fits and other options than checking out engagement ring styles online!  Be prepared for quite a few ring posts...


  1. Buy a bike :) Lots of fun, easy on the knees, if there's any rail to trails near you that will provide a great outlet and get you outside. :)

  2. My only issue with getting a bike right now is storage. A bike is definitely on my list, though.

  3. My mom has the wii fit plus and LOVES it!!

  4. eh hang it in the bedroom and call it wall art ;)

  5. Got a Wii Active - have used it once in the month I've had it, but that's been due to work being insane and not having 40-60 mins to devote to a workout. I am a fan, so far, though...with my one use...felt great afterward even though I do not support their definition of a cool down as being walking the last 4 steps after running 4 laps.
